My last day in Kansas City

Posted: January 27, 2011 in Uncategorized

Well, today is the last day I will be in Kansas City before returning to California to begin preparations for the move back in May. I’m excited to to be going back to see all my friends and family in Roseville and Sacramento, and of course, my dogs! On the other hand, I’m sad to be leaving the people I have met this trip, and those from summer 2009, and the Prayer Room.
Mostly though, I thrilled I get to spend a few days with my mom!
She flies in tonight and we leave early in the morning. Should be back in Sacramento by Sunday night.
Looking forward to sharing stories of what the Lord has done while I’ve been here.

Divine appointments

Posted: January 13, 2011 in Uncategorized

This week I started working in the sound department. I’m still in process of joining staff, and I’m excited and nervous at the same time. My expectation level is high. I know the Lord is going to be doing amazing things.
Just this week He has connected me with two different people who have confirmed what God has called me to do here – outreach to the gay community in Kansas City.
The first one was Sunday night, and in a nutshell, I learned of a group the Lord has been preparing for some time to do outreach with strategies that mesh with those He has given me.
The second one was the following night, when I bumped into someone I had met in a small group. He asked if I was going to stay in Kansas City, and I told him briefly of my plans to go back to California, empty my house and be back here in time for an outreach to the gay pride celebration in early June. He was excited, and asked about what the plan was. I told him my plans are still in the works, but for now my thoughts were to hand out water bottles, and simply be there to love on people. He generously offered to buy the water!
I am so encouraged by these two events! God is showing me that He has been preparing my way for some time, and that He is with me.
I look forward to meeting the people in this group, and working with them and the evangelism department at IHOP-KC to share the love of Christ with those still in the bondage of same-sex attraction.
Please join me in prayer that God would prepare the hearts of them we will encounter, and that the light of truth will penetrate the darkness and tear down the strongholds of lies they have believed.

The final days

Posted: December 14, 2010 in Uncategorized

Well, it’s finally here. The very last week of the internship. Five days from now it will be all but over. It’s been a journey – that’s for sure. I’m looking forward to the time after, when I can sit in the prayer room and really digest some of the teachings I have heard over the past 11 weeks.
Today, I’m really looking forward to a couple of things. One, my parents arrival Thursday night. I’m so excited to see them and for them to spend a few days here. Second, OneThing!
Still not sure what I’m doing for Christmas, but I’ve got a couple thoughts. Any suggestions??

Global Bridegroom Fast

Posted: December 8, 2010 in Uncategorized

It’s day 3 of GBF, and I’m on my 4th day without caffeine, and I’m a little tired but not doing too bad. Not as sleepy as I thought I’d be. Maybe a bit grumpy. I’m actually getting some homework done too. I’m hoping to have it all done by Friday, so I can have it checked off the list then.

I realized today that this week is probably our last real week of teaching. Next week is the Global Bridegroom Fast (GBF) and pretty much the whole missions base will be fasting for seven days. We have already been told we will be in the Prayer Room all of next week. The week after, Week 12, will be probably filled with new staff orientation and practical things like that, so for the most part, we’re done.
I mean there are still things to finish up, homework assignments and the like, so I’m really happy about the PR time, and a chance to get it all done, but WOW!
And the best part is, I’m feeling pretty good about it all.
I have gotten some real experience in prophetic ministry, healing ministry, and even outreach. I’ve gained confidence in each area, and want to continue building strength. I’ve gotten a much better grasp on the end-times, and have finally felt the desire to pursue the understanding of Scripture in that area.
I’m even wanting to participate in the GBF willingly! Not just because I know I should. I’m not saying it’s gonna be easy, but I want more desire for Him, and I now understand this is how I will get it. By really pressing in, and going for it.
I’ve got a clearer understanding of what my mission is, and a beginning on how I’m going to walk it out. My perspective on what I used to call “support raising” has changed, and I now realize the Biblical dynamic of it – it’s about sharing the burden, by inviting others to come alongside me, to partner with me, so I can give myself fully to the work God has called me to. I even have the Scriptural basis for it, from the Old Testament to the New Testament.
All in all, this has been a productive time, and I’m so glad I ws able to come. And what’s more, I am thrilled I get to stay a bit longer, to really get the full benefit of the training, and spend some time in the Prayer Room going over the notes, and meditating on them, to get the most out of it the Lord has for me. I even get to be here to practice the skills I have learned, (really the gifts I have learned that I have), and work in a couple areas I’ve wanted to for some time – sound and media.
God is SO good.

Life and death

Posted: November 29, 2010 in Uncategorized

Through a couple of experiences in the past few days, the Lord has been showing me just how powerful our words are, and driving home the truth that the power of life and death are in our tongues. We may never know the impact a kind word may have over someones life. the same goes for not-so-kind words.
I have had 3 such experiences this past weekend, where someone has spoken kind words to me, not knowing how much they meant. One was sharing with me how much they appreciated the words I had spoken over them.
How true it is that we carry the power in us as Christians to resurrect the dead. Both in the natural and in the spiritual.
I am just starting to get this, and I feel there is much more the Lord wants to reveal to me. I will very likely be adding to this post later.

Week 10! Oh my!

Posted: November 28, 2010 in Uncategorized

Today started week 10 of Track II and I am blown away by how fast it has all gone. I feel like I have hardly been here at all, and I am seeing the end of it coming up FAST. I have a bunch of homework to do, FPD is keeping me seriously on my toes, and I’m glad to say, I am feeling my heart shift. I now see Partnership Development as more than simply raising support. I see it as giving others an opportunity to share in the work I’m doing as an intercessor and as minister of the gospel. I still find myself struggling with some of the steps, because part of me still relates it to sales, and I SO hated who I became when I did sales. I’m praying for the Lord to take that away from me completely, and fully establish His perspective in me on building a team. As Paul did and Jesus did, I want to share the work with others, by allowing them to steward God’s money and provide for my support, so I can give myself fully to the tasks He sets before me and calls me to.

Week 7 and upcoming evangelism

Posted: November 12, 2010 in Testimony

Wednesday morning we heard from Hal Linhardt, head of the evangelism intensive here at IHOP-KC. Before he spoke, I asked him when IHOP was going to do an outreach to the gay community. He said, “When somebody comes forward and becomes the spark plug for it” . I introduced myself and said, “I’m Tad Harrison, and I’m a spark plug”. He gave me his card and told me to email him with my information and we would get the ball rolling.
Thursday morning Laurie Ditto and Rodney Thompson, also from the evangelism department, came and spoke to us. Rodney, who leads the treasure hunting outreach on Saturday afternoons, made some mention of witnessing to someone in the gay lifestyle, and so afterward, I went up to him and said I wanted to get involved with an outreach to the gay community. He said he had heard something about that, and I told him I had talked to Hal the day before. Anyway, he said he would be glad to do that, and we talked a bit about logistics of it, and he then said he would see about taking one of the Saturday afternoon outreaches out there.
I am so excited! God has given me a burden, and I can see it coming! Hopefully within a week or two, I will be part of an outreach to the gay community right here in Kansas City.
I feel a ministry coming on!
Please pray with me that God would prepare hearts, and we would be able to minister His love effectively without judgment.

Well, we’re into week number 7 of the internship. Past the halfway mark. It’s hard to believe. It seems at times I’m just getting through it all. The crazy schedule, all the events, homework, etc. But then a situation comes up where I meet someone and the things I AM learning come to mind. It’s in those moments that I realize God is changing me, even when I don’t feel changed moment by moment.
It makes going through it day by day easier.
This journey I’m on isn’t just for me. It’s for the people that God intends to minister to through me.

The Springfield trip – summary

Posted: November 6, 2010 in Uncategorized

Well, Lou Engle spoke again this morning, and it was ok. Not as spot on for me this morning as last night was, but I’m glad I came. I got a chance to speak to Lou and ask his forgiveness for judging him over the whole Uganda thing. He graciously accepted my apology, and forgave me, and admitted to making mistakes through the whole process. I appreciate the man’s heart. He admits he isn’t perfect, but who is except Jesus? I’m feeling a weight lifted from my heart over the whole thing.
Wouldn’t be surprised if that was God’s purpose in me going. Just to have me humble myself, and repent of my own attitude. I Love that He is most concerned about my heart. It really is HIS place to deal with others on their mistakes, and not mine. Why is it I keep forgetting that?
Home now, and ready to get some sleep in my KC bed. Wish I was tired so I could. Road trips make you tired, but wire you at the same time. Maybe a little while at the FCF service will bring me down.
Looking forward to going to the Vineyard in Overland Park tomorrow.